Solicitations From City of Battle Creek

Register your business with us to be on our vendor list. This ensures that you are set up and ready to bid when the opportunity arises.

Type Description Status ID # Deadline Pre-Bid Meeting Docs
Sealed Solicitation 2025 Watkins Rd Culvert and Utilities Improvement Project Open 2025-035B 10/24/2024 2:00 PM 3
Sealed Solicitation Airport Snow Removal Services Open 2025-043B 10/17/2024 2:00 PM 1
Sealed Solicitation Plumbing Inspections Services Open 2025-039B 10/10/2024 2:15 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation Mechanical Inspection Services Open 2025-036B 10/10/2024 2:00 PM 1
Sealed Solicitation City Manager Executive Search Open 2025-031R 10/9/2024 1:00 PM 1
Sealed Solicitation City Park Benches Open 2025-038B 10/8/2024 2:00 PM 2