Solicitations From Apalachicola Bay Charter School (ABC)

Register your business with us to be on our vendor list. This ensures that you are set up and ready to bid when the opportunity arises.

Type Description Status ID # Deadline Pre-Bid Meeting Docs
Sealed Solicitation Fan Coil Unit Deadline Expired 6/30/2023 12:00 PM 4/14/2023 3:15 PM
Open Until Resolved RFP RFP for replacing sewer line for one bathroom Deadline Expired RFP #2022-02 3/31/2022 3:00 PM
Open Until Resolved RFP RFP for replacing 35 bathroom sinks and faucets with touchless faucets and sinks Deadline Expired RFP #2022-01 3/31/2022 3:00 PM
Sealed Solicitation RFQ for Professional Architectural Consulting Services Deadline Expired RFQ #2021-001 5/27/2021 2:00 PM 1