Title: Vaults, Base and Pads

Deadline: 8/12/2019 10:00 AM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Quote Number: RFQ 2020-712

Description: The City of Aztec Electric Department is seeking quotes for concrete vaults, bases & pads as per specifications.

  • Blocks, Hollow And Solid, Normal Weight
Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: Quotes received from ABC Concrete Mfg Co., Inc. and Forterra Precast, Inc.; award to Forterra Precast Inc.

Posted: 9/5/2019

Amount: $13,284.00

Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: Quotes received from ABC Concrete Mfg Co., Inc. and Forterra Precast, Inc.; award to Forterra Precast Inc.

Posted: 9/5/2019

Amount: $13,284.00
