Title: Tidal-Forested Freshwater Essential Fish Habitat – Trash and Debris Removal
Deadline: 5/20/2020 5:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: 35657
Description: The Quote Request should be #35657, not #35567. The 35567 number is a typographical error. An addendum will be posted to update the number on the original quote request documentation. No other information will be changed.
- Garbage And Trash Removal, Disposal And Or Treatment Services
Addition 1
Name: Addendum 1 - QR #35657 (#35567)
Overview: Addendum 1 corrects a typo on the original quote request's number. It should be Quote Request #35657, not #35567. No other information has changed, but please review and compare the original quote request documentation with Addendum 1 to confirm.
Posted: 5/12/2020
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Addendum 2 - Virtual Pre-Bid
Overview: A teleconference pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 1:30PM. Details are located inside Addendum 2.
Posted: 5/13/2020
Documents:Addition 3
Name: Addendum 3
Overview: Provides Details of Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting held on 5/14/2020 and answers prospective respondents' questions.
Posted: 5/15/2020
Documents:Addition 4
Name: NOID
Posted: 5/26/2020
Documents:Addition 5
Name: In Review
Overview: NOID Posted
Posted: 5/26/2020
Addition 6
Name: Award Information
Posted: 7/17/2020
Amount: $11,900.00
Addition 1
Name: Addendum 1 - QR #35657 (#35567)
Overview: Addendum 1 corrects a typo on the original quote request's number. It should be Quote Request #35657, not #35567. No other information has changed, but please review and compare the original quote request documentation with Addendum 1 to confirm.
Posted: 5/12/2020
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Addendum 2 - Virtual Pre-Bid
Overview: A teleconference pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 1:30PM. Details are located inside Addendum 2.
Posted: 5/13/2020
Documents:Addition 3
Name: Addendum 3
Overview: Provides Details of Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting held on 5/14/2020 and answers prospective respondents' questions.
Posted: 5/15/2020
Documents:Addition 4
Name: NOID
Posted: 5/26/2020
Documents:Addition 5
Name: In Review
Overview: NOID Posted
Posted: 5/26/2020
Addition 6
Name: Award Information
Posted: 7/17/2020
Amount: $11,900.00