Title: Nitrile Gloves

Deadline: 6/11/2020 10:30 AM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: VoBG-2020-26Q


The Village of Buffalo Grove is seeking pricing on quantities of disposable Nitrile Gloves minimum 5 mil thickness.

Please provide a picture of the proposed item or packaging along with lead-time for delivery. Gloves to be provided must have documentation that the product is Fentanyl rated.

Both cost and projected delivery dates will be taken into consideration when selecting the Vendor.

  • Gloves, Cloth Type, All Types
  • Gloves: Latex, Plastic, Pvc, Poly, Synthetic, Vinyl, Etc., All Types
  • Gloves, Therapeutic
  • Gloves And Finger Cots, Medical Type

Itemized List:

Description Qty UOM Substitutions Allowed Link Files
Disposable Nitrile Gloves Size Large 60000 each No
Disposable Nitrile Gloves Size Extra Large 30000 each No
Question 1

Posted: 6/5/2020

Question: What kind of Fentanyl rating do we need to provide?

Response: The Provided gloves must be rated 4 hour fentanyl resistant.

Posted: 6/5/2020

Question: What kind of Fentanyl rating do we need to provide?

Response: The Provided gloves must be rated 4 hour fentanyl resistant.