Title: War Memorial/Liberty Park Feasibility Study
Deadline: 12/19/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Quote Number: 019-08-0002
The Town of Mooresville is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide a Feasibility Study to assist the Town in determining whether to pursue plans for a new recreation and aquatics center as well as a second phase of construction for an adjacent park, and if so under what circumstances. The Study will evaluate location, demographics, size, program elements, capital and operating costs, and market potential. This Study will include approximately 12 acres of Town-owned property that currently houses the recreation center, pool and a neighborhood/community park, plus an approximate adjacent 2.4 acres with administrative offices, storage buildings, parking and green space.
- Feasibility Studies, Consulting