Title: Hydroseeding slopes along Wetland C with upland native grass mix
Deadline: 8/10/2018 3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: 33487
Description: Hydroseeding slopes along Wetland C with upland native grass mix
- Agricultural Services, Including Environmental
Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: As a result of the Invitation for Bids 33487 Hydroseeding Slopes Along Wetland C with Upland Native Grass Mix, staff will recommend to the District’s Executive Director that the award be made as follows: Recommend award of bid to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Florida Hydroseeding
Posted: 8/13/2018
Amount: $18,970.38
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Award Information
Posted: 8/13/2018
Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: As a result of the Invitation for Bids 33487 Hydroseeding Slopes Along Wetland C with Upland Native Grass Mix, staff will recommend to the District’s Executive Director that the award be made as follows: Recommend award of bid to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Florida Hydroseeding
Posted: 8/13/2018
Amount: $18,970.38
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Award Information
Posted: 8/13/2018