Title: Equine, Barn, and Veterinary Supplies
Deadline: 3/13/2017 11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Quote Number: 2017-033
Description: District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is seeking to acquire equine, veterinary, and barn supplies for The Center for Advanced Technical Studies Veterinary Science Department.
- Serums, Toxoids, And Vaccines
- Anesthesia Equipment: Ventilators, Etc., Veterinary
- Animal Control Equipment: Catching Poles, Muzzles, Restrainers, Shockers, Etc.
- Animal Body Parts, Tissues, Body Fluids, Etc., Veterinary
- Artificial Insemination Equipment, Semen Ejaculation, Freezing, Storage, And Use, Veterinary
- Dental Equipment And Supplies, Veterinary
- Diagnostic Equipment: Scopes, Speculums, Etc., Veterinary
- Diagnostic Test Kits And Supplies, Veterinary
- Fat And Muscle Assay Equipment, Veterinary
- Flea, Tick And Insect Control Equipment And Supplies
- Frozen Semen, Veterinary
- Instruments, Surgical, Veterinary
- Operating Room Equipment, Veterinary
- Pharmaceuticals, Animal: Drugs, Vaccines, Etc., Veterinary
- Pharmaceuticals, Marine Life: Drugs, Vaccines, Etc., Veterinary
- Pregnancy Detection Equipment, Veterinary
- Repellants, Animal And Birds
- Surgical Supplies: Catheters, Gut, Needles, Syringes, Etc., Veterinary.
- Thermometers, Veterinary
- Recycled Equipment And Supplies, Veterinary
- Veterinary Equipment And Accessories, Including Cages And Kennels, Maintenance And Repair
- Veterinary Services
- Drugs, First Aid, Veterinary, Sale Of Surplus And Obsolete Items