Title: Wellness Program Proposal

Deadline: 1/24/2019 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: 019-12-0006


The Town of Mooresville seeks a strategic partner organization that will administer, operate, manage, and move forward the Town’s Employee Wellness Program.  The Town requires a wellness program that is run independently from the Town —no employee health or wellness information associated with the program can be stored, managed or collected by the Town staff.  The Town requires a program that provides employees who elect to participate a structured process of evaluating, monitoring and improving or maintaining their overall health and well-being.  The Town desires clearly defined and measurable results that show a return on investment, innovative and fun program activities, and thoroughly engaged and delighted employees. Work will include wellness program plan and design, communication and marketing of the program, administration of the program, wellness activities and offerings, in addition to results, reporting and analysis of the program.       

  • Administration Services, Health
  • Physical Fitness Programs