Title: Pre-solicitation Conference for Visitor Management
Deadline: 12/19/2018 1:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Rock Hill School District intends to conduct a pre-solicitation conference for a Visitor Management System. This meeting is to review the District’s current needs in a visitor management system and to also learn new market trends, initiatives, etc. in preparation for a formal solicitation.
- Application Software, (Not Otherwise Classified), Microcomputer
- Bar Code Software, Microcomputer
- Business Software, Misc.: Agenda, Labels, Mail List, Planning, Scheduling, Etc., Microcomputer
- Communications: Networking, Linking, Etc. (Includes Clustering Software), Microcomputer
- Database Software, Microcomputer
- Desktop Publishing, Microcomputer
- Internet, Web Site And Mobile Application Development Software, Microcomputer
- Inventory Management Software, Microcomputer
- Library Information Management And Library Catalog Database Software, Microcomputer
- Ocr And Scanner Software, Microcomputer
- Programming: Basic, Assembler, Computer Assisted Software Engineering Tools (Case), Libraries, Etc., Microcomputer.
- Project Management Software, Microcomputer
- Software, Microcomputer (Not Otherwise Classified)
- Software For Computer Software Training, Microcomputer
- Scientific, Statistical, Engineering, Mathematical, And Mapping Software, Including Photogrammetry, Microcomputer
- Software, Monitoring, Microcomputer
- Database Software, Mainframes And Servers
- Educational: Elearning, Foreign Languages, Math, Science, Social Studies, Etc. Mainframes And Servers ,
- Utilities: Back-Up, Batch File, Menus, Network Management, Operating System, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, Etc., Mainframes And Servers
- Communication Systems, Integrated, Including Telephone, Clock, Intercom, Etc.