Title: Technical Writer for Early Childhood Program
Deadline: 2/7/2020 11:00 AM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Quote Number: 2020-1
Description: ChildCareGroup (CCG) is seeking a technical writer to assist in the design and creation of a Management Handbook, Teacher Handbook, and content area policies and procedures manuals.
- Drafting Services
- Education And Training Consulting
- Technical Writing And Documentation, It Services
- Writing Services, All Kinds, Including Resumes, Calligrapher And Engrosser Services
Question 1
Posted: 1/22/2020
Question: How many hours each week will the Vendor be required to be onsite through the duration of the project?
Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public quote.
Posted: 1/22/2020
Question: How many hours each week will the Vendor be required to be onsite through the duration of the project?
Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public quote.