Title: FHSU RFQ 20013 Memorial Union Ceiling Asbestos Abatement

Deadline: 3/11/2020 4:30 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: 20013

Description: FHSU seeks bids for Ceiling Asbestos Abatement. Please download the document below and fill out and return the bid document, along with any Action Submitals required.  The deadline for questions is 12 p.m. noon on 3/2/2020 to purchasing@fhsu.edu.  The closing date for the bid is by 4:30 p.m. on 3/11/2020.  Thank you.

  • Insulation And Asbestos Installation, Maintenance, Repair And Removal Services, Including Spray-On Insulation