Title: SCH 40 PVC 2" & 4"
Deadline: 5/9/2019 1:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: RFQ 2019-695
Description: The City of Aztec Electric Department is seeking quotes for Sch 40 PVC 2" & 4", 10 foot lengths
- Conduit And Fittings, Rigid
- Pipe, Pvc (Polyvinyl Chloride) (Inactive, Please See Commodity Code 658-56 Effective January 1, 2016)
- Tubing, Plastic And Pvc
- Tubing Fittings, Plastic, Pvc
Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: 9 bids received; purchase order issued to Western United Electric Supply
Posted: 6/7/2019
Amount: $12,660.00
Documents:Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: 9 bids received; purchase order issued to Western United Electric Supply
Posted: 6/7/2019
Amount: $12,660.00