Title: Technical Writer Services
Deadline: 6/3/2020 11:00 AM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Quote Number: 2020-9
ChildCareGroup (CCG)
is seeking a technical writer to assist in the design, creation, and/or
revision of management handbooks, teacher and parent handbooks, and content
area policies and procedures manuals for various departments within the agency. ChildCareGroup has experienced a period of
rapid growth and expansion which has created a need to better align
all policies and procedures and codify them in our handbooks and manuals.
- Drawings And Diagrams: Dimensional, Technical, Etc.
- Electronic Publications: Directories, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Etc.
- Engineering And Technical Instruction Equipment And Materials, For Air Conditioning, Electronics, Machine Shop, Etc.
- Drafting Services
- Computer Sw-Int Developed >1 Million
- Lease Purchase Infrastructure Telecom
- Ttvn Intra-System Communication
- Scientific And Technical Consulting
- Technical Writing And Documentation, It Services
- Instructor-Led, Classroom Training, Technical
- Writing Services, All Kinds, Including Resumes, Calligrapher And Engrosser Services