Title: Traffic Signal Visors
Deadline: 12/13/2017 2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Description: Point of Contact: Julie Smith Maxwell, jmaxwell@knoxvilletn.gov, (865) 215-2202 Addendum 1 now posted.
- Lens And Reflectors, Replacement, Including Holders
- Traffic Controls And Equipment, Electric Systems
- Traffic Controls And Equipment, Electric Parts
- Traffic Devices, Markers, Plaques, Etc. Recycled
- Traffic Signals And Equipment, Electric Systems
- Traffic Signals And Equipment, Electric Parts
- Traffic Signal Installation
- Traffic Signal Maintenance And Repair
Addition 2
Name: Award Information
Overview: Transportation Control Systems for the amount of $6547.00 for 750 units
Posted: 12/29/2017
Amount: $6,547.00
Addition 2
Name: Award Information
Overview: Transportation Control Systems for the amount of $6547.00 for 750 units
Posted: 12/29/2017
Amount: $6,547.00