Title: Lake Jesup: In-Lake Phosphorus Reduction - Phosphorus Technology Update and Evaluation

Deadline: 3/18/2020 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Quote Number: 35445


The scope of work for this agreement includes two primary work elements to identify and determine the effectiveness of a suite of treatment amendments to remove water column phosphorus (P) or permanently sequester sediment P.  The first element of this work includes an update to the P technologies Request for Information conducted in 2016 by the District and in 2019 by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The second element includes a laboratory bench-scale testing of a treatment suite, developed in the first element, to reduce water column nutrient concentrations from internal loading via the reduction of nutrient flux within Lake Jesup sediments.  

  • Environmental Consulting
  • Scientific And Technical Consulting
  • Ecological Services
  • Environmental Services (Not Otherwise Classified)
  • Impact Studies, Environmental
  • Water Pollution Services
Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: This Quote Request was awarded to Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.

Posted: 5/11/2020

Amount: $50,000.00

Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: This Quote Request was awarded to Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.

Posted: 5/11/2020

Amount: $50,000.00
