Title: Request for Quote - FR Hazardous risk clothing
Deadline: 8/27/2018 2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Description: Point of Contact: Julie Smith Maxwell, (865) 215-2070, jmaxwell@knoxvilletn.gov.
- Hazardous Environment Clothing
- Gloves, Neoprene And Rubber, All Types
- Hazardous Material Equipment, Tools And Supplies
Addition 1
Name: Bid tab
Posted: 9/4/2018
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Award Information
Overview: Southern Safety Supply, LLC
Posted: 10/5/2018
Addition 1
Name: Bid tab
Posted: 9/4/2018
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Award Information
Overview: Southern Safety Supply, LLC
Posted: 10/5/2018