Title: Mold Remediation Services

Deadline: 2/6/2018 11:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Cancelled

Quote Number: Q1815

Description: KCDC will receive quotes for Mold Remediation Services as detailed in the solicitation document.

  • Remediation Services, Environmental, Including Rehabilitation Services Hazardous Waste And Mold Remediation
Addition 1

Name: Update

Overview: KCDC received quotes from the vendors listed below and the review is underway. Ace Exterminating AJ Thomas Stanley Steamer

Posted: 2/6/2018

Addition 2

Name: Cancellation Information

Overview: Upon further review, KCDC determined that it had not properly detailed the work and services desired. This solicitation is canceled and the specifications will be re-worked before it is re-bid.

Posted: 3/9/2018

Addition 1

Name: Update

Overview: KCDC received quotes from the vendors listed below and the review is underway. Ace Exterminating AJ Thomas Stanley Steamer

Posted: 2/6/2018

Addition 2

Name: Cancellation Information

Overview: Upon further review, KCDC determined that it had not properly detailed the work and services desired. This solicitation is canceled and the specifications will be re-worked before it is re-bid.

Posted: 3/9/2018