Title: EMS Lift Device
Deadline: 8/24/2018 12:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: EMS 08/16/2018-2
Description: EMS is looking to purchase 15 patient lifting devices to help have a safe way for picking up patients off of a floor or other surfaces. These devices must fit patients from 34 inches to 62 inches. Devices must come with a 5 year warranty.
- Ambulance Cots And Stretchers, Including, Shifting Boards
Addition 1
Name: Binder Lift
Overview: 15 Binder lifts to include a 5 year warranty
Posted: 8/28/2018
Amount: $9,999.15
Addition 1
Name: Binder Lift
Overview: 15 Binder lifts to include a 5 year warranty
Posted: 8/28/2018
Amount: $9,999.15