Title: Hallendale Drive Pipe Lining Project
Deadline: 10/17/2018 5:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Quote Number: 10032018
Project consist of removing and replacing a section (point repair) of damaged 24" Corrugated Plastic Pipe, then installing a Cast-In-Place Pipe Liner the length of the pipe.
Project is located adjacent to 6694 Hallendale Drive in Pensacola, FL
We have inspection video of the pipe and will send out upon request.
The budget for this project $50,000.00 or less.
- C.I.P., Utilities
- Hallendale Drive_Location Map.jpg
- Hallendale Drive_Pipe Plan.pdf
- CI Hallendale Henegar -CI 6694 Hallendale_9102018-085-1972.jpg
- CI Hallendale Henegar -CI 6694 Hallendale_9102018-085-7937.jpg
- CI Hallendale Henegar -CI 6694 Hallendale_9102018-085-8747.jpg
- CI Hallendale Henegar -CI 6694 Hallendale_9102018-085-8764.jpg
- CI Hallendale Henegar -CI 6694 Hallendale_9102018-085-8955.jpg
- CI 6694 Hallendale-CI _9102018-0845_SI_0_U_46138.jpg
- CI 6694 Hallendale-CI _9102018-0846_C_2.5_U_42114.jpg
- CI 6694 Hallendale-CI _9102018-0847_EI_21.4_U_24832.jpg
Itemized List: