Title: 5533 and 5535 Sun Valley Drive Asbestos Abatement and Demolition

Deadline: 3/29/2019 10:00 AM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Cancelled

Quote Number: 03182019

Description: Contractors will provide their competitive bid to perform asbestos abatement services and to demolish and remove two residential structures located specifically at 5533 and 5535 Sun Valley Drive. Improved elements are to include, but not be limited to: primary structures, outbuildings and accessory units, fences, sidewalks and driveways, utilities, underground appurtenances such as pools and basements, tanks, and any other non-vegetative improvements on the property. The sites shall be returned to a graded, stabilized condition that is properly leveled and sodded to encourage vegetative growth. All activities performed under the resultant contract shall be completed in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. 

  • Insulation And Asbestos Installation, Maintenance, Repair And Removal Services, Including Spray-On Insulation
  • Demolition Services

Itemized List:

Description Qty UOM Substitutions Allowed Link Files
Asbestos abatement of friable materials as identified in the inspection report for 5535 Sun Valley Dr. 0 LS No
Demolish and remove primary residence at 5533 and 5535 Sun Valley Dr. 0 LS No
Demolish and remove all accessory structures and described improved elements at both locations. 0 LS No
Remove, abandon and/or cap all utilities at right of way. 0 LS No
Erosion control measures to include vegetative cover upon completion. 0 LS No
Addition 1

Name: Add quantity

Overview: All quantities for lump sum shall be 1 LS.

Posted: 3/19/2019

Addition 2

Name: Bid Tabulation


Posted: 3/19/2019

Addition 3

Name: Cancellation Information

Overview: Quote cancelled due to lack of bid participants.

Posted: 3/29/2019

Question 1

Posted: 3/25/2019

Question: Have a budget and start date been established and is there a point of contact?

Response: The demolition project is part of a larger drainage project which has been budgeted and funded. The anticipated start date is 30 days from receipt of quotes to allow for Purchase order to be issued. Contact person is John Rosenau, Project Manager, Escambia County Engineering.

Addition 1

Name: Add quantity

Overview: All quantities for lump sum shall be 1 LS.

Posted: 3/19/2019

Addition 2

Name: Bid Tabulation


Posted: 3/19/2019

Addition 3

Name: Cancellation Information

Overview: Quote cancelled due to lack of bid participants.

Posted: 3/29/2019

Posted: 3/25/2019

Question: Have a budget and start date been established and is there a point of contact?

Response: The demolition project is part of a larger drainage project which has been budgeted and funded. The anticipated start date is 30 days from receipt of quotes to allow for Purchase order to be issued. Contact person is John Rosenau, Project Manager, Escambia County Engineering.