Title: FR Hazardous Risk Clothing
Deadline: 8/10/2018 2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Cancelled
Description: Point of Contact: Julie Smith Maxwell, (865) 215-2070, jmaxwell@knoxvilletn.gov.
- Hazardous Environment Clothing
Addition 1
Name: Addendum 1
Posted: 8/6/2018
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Bid tab
Posted: 8/15/2018
Documents:Addition 3
Name: Cancellation Information
Overview: The City has discovered the need to request pricing for additional sizes as well as separating the prices for slack style versus cargo style pants. Reposting with an updated Request for Quotes.
Posted: 8/16/2018
Addition 1
Name: Addendum 1
Posted: 8/6/2018
Documents:Addition 2
Name: Bid tab
Posted: 8/15/2018
Documents:Addition 3
Name: Cancellation Information
Overview: The City has discovered the need to request pricing for additional sizes as well as separating the prices for slack style versus cargo style pants. Reposting with an updated Request for Quotes.
Posted: 8/16/2018