Title: Paving of Parking Lot and Car Rider Lane

Deadline: 9/17/2019 9:00 AM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: FY20.702.01


KIPP Delta Public Schools (KDPS) is soliciting requests for proposals (RFP) regarding the asphalt pavement and striping of the gym parking lot at 505 Phillips Street, Helena, AR 72342.  The car rider lane will connect Phillps Street to Missouri Street. The middle school car rider lane is for the school located at 514 Missouri Street, Helena, AR 72342. This will be a one-way street.  These locations are highlighted below in yellow. Interested bidders may contact Linda Murdock to schedule a time to obtain measurements. Bidders are responsible for taking their own measurements for the purpose of bidding on the work. 

  • Paving And Stepping Blocks
  • Patching Mix, Cutback Asphalt
  • Asphalt Pavers, Towed Type
  • Maintenance And Repair, Parking Lot And Alley
  • Paving And Resurfacing, Alley And Parking Lot