Title: Quote - SOCVue Vulnerability Management Service Bundle
Deadline: 7/20/2018 2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Description: Point of Contact: Linda Blackburn, (865) 215-2074, lblackburn@knoxvilletn.gov
- Data/File Security Hardware/Software, To Include Encryption
- Software, Monitoring, Microcomputer
- Utilities: Back-Up, Batch File, Firewall, Menus, Operating System, Network Operating System, Network Management, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, Etc., Microcomputer
- Utilities: Back-Up, Batch File, Menus, Network Management, Operating System, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, Etc., Mainframes And Servers
- Applications Software, Main Frame Server Systems
Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: Awarded To: SHI International
Posted: 7/31/2018
Amount: $5,385.25
Documents:Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: Awarded To: SHI International
Posted: 7/31/2018
Amount: $5,385.25