Title: IT Crowdstrike Antivirus
Deadline: 3/27/2019 4:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: IT-Crowdstrike-Antivirus
Description: The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners Information Technology department is requesting a quote for 6 months for 1200 devices for Crowdstrike SKU CS.PREVENT.SOLN and 6 months of Express Support SKU RR.HOS.ENT.EXPS.
- Utilities: Back-Up, Batch File, Firewall, Menus, Operating System, Network Operating System, Network Management, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, Etc., Microcomputer
- Utilities: Back-Up, Batch File, Menus, Network Management, Operating System, Recovery, Screen, Security, Virus Protection, Etc., Mainframes And Servers
- Security Enhancement Equipment, Cyber
Addition 1
Name: Crowdstrike award
Overview: This is awarded to SHI in the amount of $7,789.42
Posted: 3/29/2019
Amount: $7,789.42
Addition 1
Name: Crowdstrike award
Overview: This is awarded to SHI in the amount of $7,789.42
Posted: 3/29/2019
Amount: $7,789.42