Title: RIDGID Underground Locator, Transmitter and RIDGID Inductive Signal Clamp
Deadline: 1/8/2019 2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Quote Number: 18-1934
For each item quoted, the pricing structure should be as indicated. The bidder offers to supply to Rock Hill Schools the goods and/or services listed in the RFQ, at the price shown, subject to the terms and conditions which can be found at https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/Page/6136 . All quotes can be emailed back to Charlene P. Maffett at CMAFFETT@RHMAIL.ORG. (1) RIDGID Underground Locator, (1) RIDGID Transmitter and (1) RIDGID Signal Clamp for Seek Tech Systems.
- Drums, Miscellaneous
- Lights, Beacon And Signal
- Control Cable And Wire: Solid And Stranded, Single And Multiconductor, Up To 600V, For Use In Boiler Controls, Fire Alarms, Motors, Etc.
- Transformers, Transmission Line Type (Inactive, Please See Commodity Code 285-86 Effective January 1, 2016)
- Steam Flow Transmitters
- Aluminum Tanks, All Kinds
- Fiberglass Tanks, Gasoline, Including Underground Type
- Filters, Storage Tank
- Polyethylene Tanks
- Stainless Steel Tanks, Transport Truck Type, Chemicals, Milk, Etc.
- Steel Tanks, Overhead Type: Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene, Etc.
- Steel Tanks, Surface And Underground Type: Gasoline, Kerosene, Etc.
- Transmitters, Pressure, Flow, Level, Etc.
- Construction, Utility And Underground Projects
- Construction, Subway And Subway Station, Including Rehabilitation, Maintenance And Repair
- Utility Services, Electric
- Utility Locator Service, Underground
- Underground Leak Testing Services