Title: Lumark Navion LED Lights
Deadline: 7/2/2020 10:00 AM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: RFQ 2020-750
Description: The City of Aztec NM Electric Department is accepting quotes for Lumark Navion LED Lights. Specifications are included with the attached document and substitutions will not be accepted.
- Lighting, Area, Pole Or Standard Mounted, Parking Lots, Etc.
Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: Five responsive quotes received; purchase order issued to Western United Electric
Posted: 7/21/2020
Amount: $14,387.50
Documents:Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: Five responsive quotes received; purchase order issued to Western United Electric
Posted: 7/21/2020
Amount: $14,387.50