Title: Elastimold Parts, 3PH Cabinet & Nordic Sleeve Ground
Deadline: 8/12/2019 10:00 AM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: RFQ 2020-713
Description: The City of Aztec Electric Department is seeking quotes for Elastimold parts, 3 PH Cabinet & Nordic Ground Sleeves as per specifications
- Cabinets, Electrical Service Entrance
- Cable Accessories: Clamps, Clasps, Clips, Closures, Reels, Splices, Wrappings, Etc.
Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: Quotes received from Border States, Stuart R. Irby & Western United Electric Supply
Posted: 9/5/2019
Amount: $7,487.50
Documents:Addition 1
Name: Award Information
Overview: Quotes received from Border States, Stuart R. Irby & Western United Electric Supply
Posted: 9/5/2019
Amount: $7,487.50