Title: Football Scoreboard

Deadline: 4/24/2020 5:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Quote Number: PKS 4-2-20


Provide a quote via vendor registry for a football scoreboard (20 x 8 dimension) that includes the following:
Wireless with antenna
Wireless receiver
Team logo on the front (Will be provided to awarded vendor)

The football scoreboard should include the basic information of Home, Guest, Time, Down, To Go, Ball On, and Quarter.

Please reach out to Adam Reed at 850-554-1995 or email at awreed@myescambia.com 

  • Scoreboards, Sports
Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: Award bid to Electro-Mech for purchase of scoreboard.

Posted: 5/4/2020

Amount: $8,000.00

Question 1

Posted: 4/9/2020

Question: Is this bid for "MATERIAL ONLY", or should installation be included in bid?

Response: Material only included in the bid. Thanks

Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: Award bid to Electro-Mech for purchase of scoreboard.

Posted: 5/4/2020

Amount: $8,000.00

Posted: 4/9/2020

Question: Is this bid for "MATERIAL ONLY", or should installation be included in bid?

Response: Material only included in the bid. Thanks