Title: Request for Qualifications - Engineering Design Services – Canton Water Department Facilities – TAG 587A & TAG 587B

Deadline: 4/30/2020 4:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Quote Number: 2020-15Q


Engineering Design Services – Canton Water Department Facilities – TAG 587A & TAG 587B



The City of Canton (“the City”) is accepting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to contract with a professional engineering firm or firms for the design of renovations for the City’s Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Cromer Reservoir.  Interested Engineering firms must submit a qualification package to City of Canton Purchasing Department via the City’s bid tool or four (4) complete copies of the package may be submitted no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 218 Cleveland Ave. SW, 4th Floor, Canton, OH  44702.   Interested firms may review the full Request for Qualifications at https://www.cantonohio.gov/448/Purchasing-Procurement.  Responding firms will be evaluated and ranked pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 153.65-.73.  The City of Canton reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal deemed most beneficial to the City of Canton.  Contact Andy Roth, Director of Purchasing at andrew.roth@cantonohio.gov if you have any questions.


PUBLISHED IN THE REPOSITORY:  April 6, 2020 and April 13, 2020.

  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Water Supply, Treatment, And Distribution Engineering
Addition 1

Name: Addendum 1

Overview: Addendum 1 - Existing conditions information

Posted: 4/8/2020

Addition 2

Name: Award Information

Overview: Design of Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant Renovation Project was awarded to Burgess & Niple, Inc. for $2,670,000.00. Cromer Reservoir Improvement Project was awarded to Arcadis US, Inc. for $258,205.00. Final award is subject to the City's contracting process and the Auditor's certification of funds.

Posted: 9/25/2020

Addition 1

Name: Addendum 1

Overview: Addendum 1 - Existing conditions information

Posted: 4/8/2020

Addition 2

Name: Award Information

Overview: Design of Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant Renovation Project was awarded to Burgess & Niple, Inc. for $2,670,000.00. Cromer Reservoir Improvement Project was awarded to Arcadis US, Inc. for $258,205.00. Final award is subject to the City's contracting process and the Auditor's certification of funds.

Posted: 9/25/2020