Title: Mechanical Vegetation Services at L75 & Fellsmere East Levee
Deadline: 8/8/2019 3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: 34662
St. Johns River Water Management District (District) desires to
The District has identified two locations that require this vegetation be removed. These projects are in Brevard and Indian River Counties (see attached site maps):
L-75 is located between the St. Johns Marsh Conservation Area and the Fellsmere Water Management Area
Fellsmere East Levee is in the Fellsmere Water Management Area (FWMA)
The objective of this project is to remove all woody vegetation, willows, Brazilian Pepper from the levee toes and remove overhanging limbs to allow safe travel along the levees.
The engineering estimate for this project is $39,600.
- Tree And Shrub Removal Services
- Grounds And Roadside Maintenance: Mowing, Edging, Plant, Not Tree Trimming, Etc.
- Weed And Vegetation Control, Including Trees, Shrubs And Aquatic Weed Control
Addition 1
Name: Addendum 1
Overview: Please email me at alucey@sjrwmd.com if you would like a copy of the pre-bid meeting recording
Posted: 8/2/2019
Documents:Addition 2
Name: pre-bid meeting sign in sheet
Posted: 8/2/2019
Documents:Addition 3
Name: Award Information
Posted: 8/13/2019
Amount: $23,691.00
Documents:Addition 1
Name: Addendum 1
Overview: Please email me at alucey@sjrwmd.com if you would like a copy of the pre-bid meeting recording
Posted: 8/2/2019
Documents:Addition 2
Name: pre-bid meeting sign in sheet
Posted: 8/2/2019
Documents:Addition 3
Name: Award Information
Posted: 8/13/2019
Amount: $23,691.00