Title: Door Replacement @ Okeechobee County Practice Field Restrooms
Deadline: 3/23/2018 12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Cancelled
Quote Number: Parks&Rec2.27.18
Okeechobee County Parks and Recreation Department is currently obtaining quotes for the removal and replacement of two exterior metal doors for the men's restroom at the Okeechobee County Practice Fields.
- Doors, Frames, And Jambs, Steel
- General Construction, Architectural Services
- Door Installation, Metal, Maintenance And Repair Services
- General Construction: Management, Scheduling, Cost Estimation Engineering
Addition 1
Name: Cancellation Information
Posted: 10/25/2018
Addition 1
Name: Cancellation Information
Posted: 10/25/2018