Title: Request for Quotes - Kingston Pike Underground Pipe Repair

Deadline: 8/22/2019 2:30 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Cancelled

Description: Point of Contact:  Penny Owens, powens@knoxvilletn.gov, (865) 215-2063

  • Construction, General: Backfill Services, Digging, Ditching, Road Grading, Rock Stabilization, Etc.
  • Construction, Pipe Culvert
  • Construction, Sewer And Storm Drain
  • Construction, Utility And Underground Projects
  • Maintenance And Repair, Pipe Culvert
Addition 1

Name: Cancellation Information

Posted: 11/21/2019

Addition 1

Name: Cancellation Information

Posted: 11/21/2019