Title: Vacuum Truck Services

Deadline: 7/7/2020 3:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Quote Number: RFQ 2020-754

Description: The City of Aztec is requesting quotes to provide Vacuum Truck Services for the Removal of Sand from Our Advanced Nutrient Removal Filter at our Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located at 900 S. Oliver Drive in Aztec. We expect that a minimum of 4 hours and a maximum of 8 hours on site will be required to remove the sand. We are requesting a mobilization demobilization quote, and an hourly rate for rental of the vacuum truck with an operator. The mobilization and demobilization costs should include all costs to prepare the truck, load equipment, travel to the site, and travel back to your yard and clean and unload the truck. The hourly rate should include the cost for rental of the truck and operator for each hour used. The requirements for the vacuum truck are included in the attached document.

  • Material Handling Equipment Maintenance And Repair
  • Cranes And Buckets Rental Or Lease
  • Equipment With Operator, Rental Or Lease
Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: One quote received from Pipeline Video dba AIMS Companies

Posted: 7/21/2020

Amount: $1,800.00

Addition 1

Name: Award Information

Overview: One quote received from Pipeline Video dba AIMS Companies

Posted: 7/21/2020

Amount: $1,800.00
