MTFA Architecture - Multi-Disciplinary A&E SERVICES

Contract Properties

Contract Name: MTFA Architecture - Multi-Disciplinary A&E SERVICES

Contract Number: 638-15-3

Solicitation Number: RFP

Start Date: 10/1/2016

Expiration: 3/31/2022

Administrators and Users

Manager: Cynthia Wilson

Administrator-Department: Cynthia Wilson - DES

Attached Files

Name:   Extension Agreement

File Name:    638-15-3_(MTFA)_Extension9.30.21.pdf

Name:   Notice of Renewal

File Name:    638-15-3NOR_2021.pdf

Name:   Notice of Renewal

File Name:    638-15-3_NOR_2020.pdf

Name:   Notice of Renewal

File Name:    638-15-3_NOR_2019.pdf

Name:   Contract

File Name:    638-15-3MTFAArchitecture.pdf

Name:   Amendment No.2

File Name:    638-15-3_AM2_2018.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months
