On-going maintenance support Softek Services

Contract Properties

Contract Name: On-going maintenance support Softek Services

Contract Number: 22-DES-SLA-722

Start Date: 7/1/2022

Expiration: 5/31/2024


On-going maintenance support for R/E filing system, Right-Of-Way system, General Property Status system, and R/E Bureau switchboard

Administrators and Users

Manager: Michael Halewski

Attached Files

Name:   Notice of Award

File Name:    NOA22-DES-SLA-722(Softek)On-goingmaintenanceagreement.pdf

Name:   Amendment 1

File Name:    22-DES-SLA-722_AM1(Softek)4.17.23.pdf


# of renewals: 2

Renewal Length In Months: 12 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:   5/31/2024