Temporary Staffing Services

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Temporary Staffing Services

Contract Number: 760-14-2LW

Solicitation Number: Rider

Start Date: 7/31/2015

Expiration: 8/31/2024

Administrators and Users

Manager: Ann Moser

Additional Manager-Department: Kaylin Schreiber - Procurement


Name: Delta T Group Virginia Inc,

Contact: Rachana Patel

Email: contractadmin@deltatg.com

Phone: 4849191752

Diversity: None

Attached Files

Name:   Amendment No.1

File Name:    760-14-2-LW_NOE_2018.pdf

Name:   Amendment No.3

File Name:    760-14-2LW_NOR_2020.pdf

Name:   760-14-2LW-A6

File Name:    760-14-2LW-A6.pdf

Name:   Amendment No.2

File Name:    760-14-2LW-A2.pdf


File Name:    760_14_02_LW_Amendment_5_-_DELTA_-T.pdf


File Name:    760-14-2LW_-_DELTA_T_SOLUTIONS_-_RENEWAL.docx.pdf

Name:   Amendment 4

File Name:    760-14-2LWAmendment4FY22signed.pdf

Name:   Contract

File Name:    760-14-2LW.pdf

Name:   Notice of Renewal

File Name:    760-14-2LW(Delta-T)Renewalexecuted8.28.20.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:   8/31/2024