Computer Hardware, Personal Computer Devices, Peripherals, and Servers

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Computer Hardware, Personal Computer Devices, Peripherals, and Servers

Contract Number: 20-094-R

Solicitation Number: R

Start Date: 6/2/2020

Expiration: 8/21/2024

Administrators and Users

Manager: Sy Gezachew

Administrator-Department: Ishai Trani - DTS

Additional Manager-Department: Sissaye Gezachew - Procurement

Attached Files

Name:   Contract No. 20-094-R

File Name:    VA-190822-PCMG.pdf


File Name:    20-094-R_-_PRICING_LINK_(VITA).docx.pdf


File Name:    20-094-R_-_RENEWAL.docx.pdf


File Name:    20-094-R_-_PRICING_WEB_PAGE_CAPTURE.jpeg.pdf

Name:   FY22 Renewal

File Name:    RiderNORforVITAContractNo.VA-190822-PCMG.pdf

Name:   Renewal FY24

File Name:    20-094-RFinal.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:    8/21/2023

Renewal #:   2      End Date:   8/21/2024