Mary Marshall Assisted Living

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Mary Marshall Assisted Living

Contract Number: 17-183-11

Start Date: 4/1/2017

Expiration: 6/30/2022

Administrators and Users

Manager: Kaylin Schreiber

Administrator-Department: Jim Baker - DHS

Additional Manager-Department: Kaylin Schreiber - Procurement


Name: Arlington VOA ALR Operating, Inc.

Contact: Kay Halverson

Email: khalverson@voa.orgg

Phone: +15715275002

Diversity: None

Attached Files

Name:   Amendment

File Name:    17-183-SS(MMALR)A5executed7.8.20.pdf

Name:   Agreement

File Name:    17-183-SSFinalAgreement3.27.17.pdf


# of renewals: 5

Renewal Length In Months: 12 months