St. Onge Group, D/B MPS Utilities - Clean and Inspect Catch Basins and Storm Sewers

Contract Properties

Contract Name: St. Onge Group, D/B MPS Utilities - Clean and Inspect Catch Basins and Storm Sewers

Contract Number: 16-120-ITB-LW

Solicitation Number: 16-120-ITB-LW

Start Date: 5/20/2016

Expiration: 3/31/2021

Administrators and Users

Manager: Valerie Cooper

Administrator-Department: Carla Alayon - DES

Additional Manager-Department: Tomeka Price - Procurement

Attached Files

Name:   Amendment 1 Executed

File Name:    16-120-ITB-LW-A1.pdf

Name:   Executed Agreement

File Name:    16-120-ITB-LWNOA.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months