Telecmmunications Systems, Inc. - Standard Messaging Services to 911

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Telecmmunications Systems, Inc. - Standard Messaging Services to 911

Contract Number: 808-15

Solicitation Number: Rider

Start Date: 9/1/2015

Expiration: 2/28/2022

Administrators and Users

Manager: Igor Scherbakov

Administrator-Department: Igor Scherbakov - POL

Additional Manager-Department: Sissaye Gezachew - Procurement

Attached Files

Name:   Contract

File Name:    808-15_FINAL_SIGNED_2015.pdf

Name:   Notice of Renewal

File Name:    808-15_NOR_2020.docx.pdf

Name:   Notice of Renewal

File Name:    808-15_NOR_2017.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months
