VoIP Phone and Voicemail Systems and Services

Contract Properties

Contract Name: VoIP Phone and Voicemail Systems and Services

Contract Number: VoBG-2021-15

Solicitation Number: VoBG-2021-15

Amount: $158,501

Start Date: 9/14/2021

Expiration: 12/10/2021

Administrators and Users

Additional Manager-Department: Tom Wisniewski - Purchasing

Attached Files

Name:   Contract

File Name:    TelcomInnovationsGroupContractVoBG-2021-15-TIGCountersigned9.14.21.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    VoIPPhone&VoicemailSystems&ServicesAddendum1.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PhoneRFPFinal2021.docx
