PD 18-19.010 Collection and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste

Contract Properties

Contract Name: PD 18-19.010 Collection and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste

Contract Number: PD 18-19.010

Solicitation Number: PD 18-19.010

Start Date: 2/8/2020

Expiration: 2/7/2022


Escambia County, Florida, is seeking the service of a properly licensed and insured hazardous waste transportation, storage, and disposal firm to assist the County in conducting certain activities pertaining to the collection, identification, packaging, manifesting, and transportation of materials to a permitted Transfer Storage and Disposal (TSD) facility for recycling, treatment, and disposal of household chemicals collected through regular operation of the County’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility or through Amnesty Day-type events.  

Administrators and Users

Manager: Jim Howes

Attached Files

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010BidFormUpdated20180110.xlsx

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010ITBCollectionandDisposalServicesforHouseholdHazardousWaste.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010Addendum1.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010AttendancesheetPre-solicitation.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010Addendum3.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010AttendenceSheetBidOpening.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010BidTabRecommendationtoAward.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010Addendum2.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010BidForm.xlsx

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010BidTabUnderReview.pdf

Name:   Imported from Solicitation

File Name:    PD18-19.010BoardAward.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:   2/7/2022