Early Head start Child Development Services

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Early Head start Child Development Services

Contract Number: 22-DHS-EP-13

Solicitation Number: Exempt Purchase

Start Date: 5/15/2021

Expiration: 5/14/2024

Administrators and Users

Manager: Kaylin Schreiber

Administrator-Department: Monika Gilbert - DHS

Administrator-Department: Linda Erskine - DHS


Name: Northern Virginia Family Service, Inc.

Contact: Stephanie Berkowitz

Email: accounting@nvfs.org

Phone: 15717482500

Job Title: Business Owner

Diversity: None

2nd Contact: Cliff Yee

Email: cyee@nvfs.org

Phone: +15717482500

Job Title: EVP & CFO

Name: Northern Virginia Family Services, Inc.

Contact: Stephanie Berkowitz

Email: sberkowitz@nvfs.org

Phone: 7033077938

Job Title: President and CEO

Diversity: None

Attached Files

Name:   Amendment 1

File Name:    22-DHS-EP-13-A1.pdf

Name:   Contract No. 22-DHS-EP-13

File Name:    22-DHS-EP-13__Northern_Virginia_Family_Service__5-5-21.docx.pdf

Name:   Amendment 2

File Name:    22-DHS-EP-13-A2.pdf


# of renewals: 2

Renewal Length In Months: 12 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:   5/14/2024