Kaplan, Kirsch & Rockwell, LLP

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Kaplan, Kirsch & Rockwell, LLP

Contract Number: C21-3056-AP

Start Date: 1/1/1999

Expiration: 12/31/2041


Aviation Counsel for Okaloosa County

Administrators and Users

Attached Files

Name:   Certificate of Liability Insurance - EXP 07/01/2023

File Name:    C21-3056-AP.pdf

Name:   rate update

File Name:    rateupdate.pdf

Name:   insurance

File Name:    generalcertificateofinsurance.pdf

Name:   General Certificate 06/01/2025

File Name:    generalcertificateofinsurance.pdf

Name:   Task Order# 4

File Name:    C21-3056-AP.pdf

Name:   Agreement

File Name:    C21-3056-AP.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 12 months
