Refuse & Recycling

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Refuse & Recycling

Contract Number: VoBG-2019-20

Start Date: 5/1/2019

Expiration: 4/30/2027


Contractor shall furnish the labor, equipment, licenses, permits, and other requirements necessary to provide Acceptable Waste Recyclable Material and Landscape Waste collection to all Residents of the Village of Buffalo Grove.

Administrators and Users

Manager: Brett Robinson

Administrator-Department: Greg Sauser - Community Development

Attached Files

Name:   Waste Management Contract

File Name:    RefuseandRecycling2019-2024Contract.pdf

Name:   Extension Amendment

File Name:    FullyExecuted_WMAmendment1_3_19_2024.pdf


Renewal Length In Months: 36 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:   4/30/2027