Stryker Medical - Stryker Cots Maintenance and Repair Services

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Stryker Medical - Stryker Cots Maintenance and Repair Services

Contract Number: 16-396-SS

Solicitation Number: SS

Start Date: 7/15/2016

Expiration: 7/14/2021

Administrators and Users

Manager: Francine Morris

Administrator-Department: Johnette Hill - FIR

Additional Manager-Department: Sissaye Gezachew - Procurement

Attached Files

Name:   Renewal

File Name:    16-396-SS_NOR_2018.pdf

Name:   Notice of Award

File Name:    16-396-SSNoticeofAward_Signed.pdf

Name:   Renewal

File Name:    16-396-SS_NOR_2017.pdf
