Pyrotechnic Services

Contract Properties

Contract Name: Pyrotechnic Services

Contract Number: VoBG-2018-23

Solicitation Number: VoBG-2018-23

Start Date: 1/11/2019

Expiration: 1/11/2026


The Village of Buffalo Grove released an RFP looking for a Pyrotechnic Firm to provide a Fireworks display at the Buffalo Grove Golf Course 48 Raupp Blvd, Buffalo Grove IL 60089 on Independence Day Thursday July 4, 2019, Saturday July 4, 2020, and Sunday July 4, 2021.  

Administrators and Users

Manager: Brett Robinson

Administrator-Department: Joe Welter - Fire

Attached Files

Name:   Pyrotechnic Services 2019-

File Name:    PyrotechnicServices2019-2021.pdf


# of renewals: 1

Renewal Length In Months: 24 months

Renewal History

Renewal #:   1      End Date:    1/11/2024

Renewal #:   2      End Date:   1/11/2026