Solicitations From Colleton County School District
Register your business with us to be on our vendor list. This ensures that you are set up and ready to bid when the opportunity arises.
Type | Description | Status | ID # | Deadline | Pre-Bid Meeting | Docs |
Sealed Solicitation | Colleton County High School Roof Repairs/Replacements | Deadline Expired | CCHSRoofRepandRepl | 9/5/2024 2:00 PM | 8/22/2024 10:00 AM | 4 |
Sealed Solicitation | BELLS ELEMENTARY AND HENDERSONVILLE ELEMENTARY CANOPIES | Deadline Expired | BG-CANOPIES2024 | 8/6/2024 3:00 PM | 7/18/2024 11:00 AM | 3 |
Sealed Solicitation | Colleton County Middle School - Repaving | Deadline Expired | BG-CCMSRepaving2024 | 7/23/2024 2:00 PM | 7/11/2024 10:00 AM | 3 |
Sealed Solicitation | Exclusive Beverage and Vending Machine Contract | Deadline Expired | DO-2025-BEV | 6/18/2024 3:00 PM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | COLLETON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL REROOFING PROJECT | Cancelled | CCHSROOF51724 | 6/13/2024 2:30 PM | 5/28/2024 11:00 AM | 5 |
Sealed Solicitation | COLLETON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE ROOFING PROJECT | Awarded | DOROOF500 | 6/13/2024 2:00 PM | 5/28/2024 10:00 AM | 5 |
Sealed Solicitation | BSECC – MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT | Awarded | BSECC-MECHANREPLACE2024 | 6/6/2024 2:30 PM | 5/21/2024 11:00 AM | 4 |
Sealed Solicitation | CCMS – MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT | Awarded | CCMS-MECHANREPLACE2024 | 6/6/2024 2:00 PM | 5/21/2024 10:00 AM | 4 |
Sealed Solicitation | FANS-Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Eggs | Awarded | IFB-500-2024 | 5/30/2024 3:00 PM | 4 | |
Sealed Solicitation | BOARD CERTIFIED BEHAVIOR ANALYST SERVICES | Awarded | BCBA-EL-2024/2025 | 5/24/2024 3:00 PM | 2 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Architectural and Engineering Services | Awarded | BG-Arch25 | 5/16/2024 3:00 PM | 2 | |
Quote | CCSD-Transportation Renovations | Awarded | BG-CCSDTransportationReno | 5/7/2024 10:00 AM | 4 | |
Quote | Custodial Management and Supply Services | Awarded | BG-CustodialSer2024 | 4/9/2024 11:30 AM | 3 | |
Quote | Colleton County Middle School Track Renovations Project | Awarded | BG-TrackRenovationsCCMS2024 | 4/9/2024 11:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | Colleton County Weight Room Floor | Awarded | BG-WeighRoom2024 | 4/9/2024 10:30 AM | 4 | |
Quote | Lift Station and Wastewater Maintenance | Awarded | BG-LiftandWasteMaint2024 | 4/9/2024 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | FLOORING | Awarded | BG-FLOORING | 3/14/2024 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENACE | Awarded | BG-ATHLETICFIELDMAINT | 3/12/2024 10:00 AM | 4 | |
Quote | FENCING | Awarded | BG-FENCING | 3/12/2024 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | CCMS BLEACHER REPLACEMENT | Awarded | BG-BLEACHERSCCMS | 3/12/2024 10:00 AM | 4 | |
Quote | Painting | Awarded | BG-PAINTINGDW | 2/22/2024 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Sealed Solicitation | BOARD CERTIFIED BEHAVIOR ANALYST SERVICES | Deadline Expired | BCBA-EL-2024 | 1/11/2024 3:30 PM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | RFP UNARMED SECURITY GUARD SERVICES | Deadline Expired | DO-2023-Safety | 11/10/2023 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Sealed Solicitation | EXCLUSIVE BEVERAGE AND VENDING MACHINE CONTRACT | Deadline Expired | do-2023-001 | 5/4/2023 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Colleton County High School Track Renovations Project | Deadline Expired | BG-TrackRenovations2023 | 2/16/2023 2:00 PM | 3 | |
Sealed Solicitation | LEGAL SERVICES-BOARD ATTORNEY | Deadline Expired | LEGAL2022-DO | 2/9/2023 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | FIBER UPGRADES | Deadline Expired | COLLETON-2023-002 | 1/27/2023 11:00 AM | 1/10/2023 9:00 AM | 1 |
Sealed Solicitation | NETWORK UPGRADES | Deadline Expired | COLLETON-2023-001 | 1/19/2023 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Cybersecurity and Network Engineering Services | Deadline Expired | 2023TEC-92622 | 10/18/2022 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | BG-CCMSTCTC2022PAVING | Deadline Expired | BG-CCMSTCTC2022PAVING | 7/19/2022 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Food Service Equipment Maintenance and Repairs | Awarded | SN2223-001 | 7/11/2022 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Elevator Maintenance at CCMS | Deadline Expired | BG-ELEVATORMAINCCMS | 6/21/2022 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Fire and Alarm Monitoring | Deadline Expired | BG-ALARMDISTRICTWIDE | 6/14/2022 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Parking Lot Repairs CCMS & TCTC | Deadline Expired | BG-PavingCCMSTCTC2022 | 5/31/2022 2:00 PM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Architectural Design Services and Indefinite Delivery | Awarded | BG050222-6GA | 5/31/2022 10:00 AM | 4 | |
Quote | Parking Lot Repairs CCMS & TCTC | Deadline Expired | BG-CCMSTCTC-PavingRepairs | 4/26/2022 2:00 PM | 1 | |
Quote | Pressure Washing Bells, Northside, Forest Hills Elementary | Deadline Expired | BG-2022-BESNESFHE | 3/29/2022 2:00 PM | 2 | |
Quote | Roofing Services at Thunderbolt Career & Technology | Awarded | BG-RoofingTCTC | 3/15/2022 10:30 AM | 8 | |
Quote | ANNUAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR FINANCE AND PROCUREMENT | Awarded | RFQ DO-12422 | 3/8/2022 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Parking Lot Repairs CCMS & TCTC | Deadline Expired | BG-PavingCCMSTCTC | 3/1/2022 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Pressure Washing CCMS | Deadline Expired | BG-CCMS-2022 | 1/13/2022 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Pressure Washing Tennis Courts | Deadline Expired | BG-TennisCourts-2022 | 1/13/2022 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | RFQ Architectural Design Services and Indefinite Delivery | Deadline Expired | BG-11521-6GA | 12/2/2021 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | BG-2021-DistrictPressureWashing | Deadline Expired | BG-2021-DistrictPressureWashing | 11/18/2021 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | BG-2021-TennisCourts | Deadline Expired | BG-2021-TennisCourts | 11/18/2021 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | RFP SECURITY DETECTION SYSTEM | Deadline Expired | DO-2021-SECURITY | 11/11/2021 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | RFP FORD TRUCK FLEET | Deadline Expired | BG-2021-PKPS | 10/14/2021 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | RFP Organization Analysis, Job Classification and Salary Study | Deadline Expired | DO-2021-SS | 9/28/2021 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | IFB Fire and Alarm Monitoring | Awarded | BG0520-2021 | 6/8/2021 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | IFB Student Nutrition Safety/Sanitation Service System | Awarded | SN-042221-SSPC | 5/27/2021 10:30 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Landscaping | Deadline Expired | BG-0428-2021 | 5/27/2021 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | Request for Proposal for Custodial Management & Supply Services | Deadline Expired | BG-0414-2021 | 5/20/2021 11:15 AM | 4 | |
Quote | IFB Pest Control Services | Awarded | BG-3016-2021 | 5/20/2021 11:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | RFP Uniform & Laundry Services | Awarded | BG-2021-UniLaund | 5/20/2021 10:30 AM | 2 | |
Quote | IFB Student Nutrition Milk Products | Deadline Expired | SN-042121-MILK | 5/20/2021 10:30 AM | 2 | |
Quote | RFP Painting | Awarded | 21-BG-15MS | 5/20/2021 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | RFP Carpet Cleaning | Awarded | 21-BG-21LG | 5/18/2021 3:30 PM | 3 | |
Quote | Fire & Alarm Monitoring | Deadline Expired | BG04-15-2021 | 5/18/2021 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | RFP Mobile Digital Surveillance Camera Systems for School/Activity Buses | Deadline Expired | RFP-TR-2122-0001 | 4/22/2021 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Request For Proposals For Professional Services Search Firm For Superintendent-Re-advertisement | Deadline Expired | RFP-SC-03032021 | 3/3/2021 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Request For Proposals For Professional Services Search Firm For Superintendent | Deadline Expired | RFP-SC-1212021 | 2/12/2021 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Roofing Services at Cottageville Elementary | Deadline Expired | BG-11132020 | 12/15/2020 10:00 AM | 12/1/2020 10:00 AM | 1 |
Sealed Solicitation | Roofing Services at Colleton Annex Learning Center | Deadline Expired | BG-1113-Annex | 12/8/2020 10:00 AM | 11/24/2020 10:00 AM | 1 |
Quote | BG-2020-Forklift | Deadline Expired | BG-2020-Forklift | 11/5/2020 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | District Pressure Washing Services | Deadline Expired | BG-2020-DistrictPressureWashing | 10/22/2020 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Fencing at Colleton County Middle School | Deadline Expired | BG-2020-CCMS | 10/22/2020 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Colleton County High School Athletic Field Drainage Improvements | Deadline Expired | 7/16/2020 2:00 PM | 1 | ||
Sealed Solicitation | Waste Pickup/ Disposal Services | Awarded | BG-0611-2020 | 6/30/2020 10:00 AM | 4 | |
Quote | Replace Disconnect Box | Deadline Expired | Q-CCMSDiscBox2020 | 5/21/2020 2:00 PM | 1 | |
Quote | Install 3M Safety & Security Film | Deadline Expired | Q1-01082020 | 1/23/2020 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Exclusive Beverage and Vending Machine Contract, Colleton County School District | Deadline Expired | DO-0214-001 | 12/11/2019 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Kitchen Equipment for new training kitchen | Deadline Expired | SN-1019-Kitchen Equipment | 10/18/2019 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Mobile Digital Surveillance Camera Systems for School/Activity Buses | Awarded | T-19-20-0001 | 10/9/2019 10:00 AM | 4 | |
Sealed Solicitation | District Pressure Washing Services | Deadline Expired | BG-626-DistrictPressureWashing | 7/23/2019 10:00 AM | 7/11/2019 10:00 AM | 1 |
Sealed Solicitation | BG-522-DistrictPressureWashing | Deadline Expired | BG-522-DistrictPressureWashing | 6/25/2019 10:00 AM | 6/13/2019 10:00 AM | 1 |
Quote | Privacy Slats for Chain Link Fence at Forest Hills Elementary School | Deadline Expired | BG-2019-FHE | 5/21/2019 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Contract to purchase perishable and non-perishable food products, as well as paper and related products. | Deadline Expired | B00000001920 | 5/2/2019 10:00 AM | 3/14/2019 10:00 AM | 3 |
Quote | Cove Base Installation HES | Cancelled | BG-226-HESBASE | 3/14/2019 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | New Countertops at Northside Elementary | Deadline Expired | BG-226-NESCOUNTERTOPS | 3/14/2019 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | New Secured Entry at Black Street Early Childhood Center | Deadline Expired | BG-226-BSECC | 3/14/2019 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | Cove Base Installation BSECC | Deadline Expired | BG-226-BSECCBASE | 3/14/2019 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | HVAC Filters for Colleton County Middle School | Deadline Expired | BG-0110-CCMSTCTC | 1/28/2019 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Fencing at Northside Elementary | Awarded | BG-102318-NES | 11/29/2018 10:00 AM | 11/20/2018 10:00 AM | 2 |
Quote | Pressure Washing Services | Awarded | BG-1017-2018HES | 11/5/2018 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | Chain Link Fence at Colleton County Middle School | Awarded | 08-BG-3018-MS | 9/20/2018 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Metal Detectors Equipment | Awarded | : Q1-CCSD-0830 | 9/7/2018 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Ford F-150 | Awarded | BG-82818 | 9/6/2018 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Band Instruments | Awarded | Q1CCHS0730 | 8/10/2018 11:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | 2018 Ford F-150 | Cancelled | BG-72618 | 8/10/2018 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Quote | Fencing at Northside Elementary School | Deadline Expired | BG-2018-NES | 7/26/2018 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Privacy Slats for Chain Link Fence at Black Street Early Childhood | Deadline Expired | BG0712-2018 | 7/24/2018 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Chain Link Fence at Colleton County Middle School | Deadline Expired | 07-BG-7218-MS | 7/24/2018 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Quote | Painting | Awarded | 06-BG-13MS | 6/26/2018 10:00 AM | 2 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Science Lab Renovations at Colleton County Middle School | Awarded | BG-0517-2018 | 6/14/2018 10:00 AM | 5/29/2018 10:00 AM | 7 |
Quote | Light Fixture Installation | Deadline Expired | BG-0516-2018MS | 5/31/2018 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Asphalt Paving Projects | Awarded | BG-0425-2018P | 5/17/2018 10:00 AM | 5/8/2018 10:00 AM | 6 |
Quote | Pressure Washing Services | Awarded | BG-0502-2018HS | 5/17/2018 10:00 AM | 3 | |
Quote | Cove Base Installation | Deadline Expired | BG-0424-CCMS | 5/8/2018 10:00 AM | 1 | |
Sealed Solicitation | Asphalt Paving Projects | Deadline Expired | BG-0321-2018P | 4/17/2018 10:00 AM | 3/29/2018 10:00 AM | 5 |
Sealed Solicitation | Request for Qualifications for General Contractors | Awarded | BG-0321-2018 | 4/10/2018 10:00 AM | 3/27/2018 2:00 PM | 3 |
Sealed Solicitation | RFP: Roof Repair | In Review | 2/12/2018 1:30 PM | 2 |