Solicitations From Peralta Community College District

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Type Description Status ID # Deadline Pre-Bid Meeting Docs
Sealed Solicitation Laney College Library & Learning Resource Center In Review 24 25 01 1/31/2025 2:00 PM 10/8/2024 11:00 AM 37
Sealed Solicitation Merritt College New Landscape Horticulture Complex FF&E Bid In Review 24-25/09 1/7/2025 2:00 PM 4
Sealed Solicitation Cosmetology Workstations for Laney College Awarded 24 25 07 1/3/2025 2:00 PM 5
Sealed Solicitation Phase 2- General & Specialized Move Services College of Alameda New Transportation Technology Center Deadline Expired iRFP 24 25/06 11/22/2024 1:00 PM 11/4/2024 11:00 AM 5
Sealed Solicitation Phase 2 -General & Specialized Move Services Merritt College Deadline Expired iRFP 24-25/02 10/11/2024 3:00 PM 9/25/2024 12:00 PM 7
Sealed Solicitation Bond Program Management Services (Measure G) Awarded 24-25/02 10/11/2024 12:00 PM 8
Sealed Solicitation Laney College Library & Learning Resource Center Cancelled 23-24/03 6/6/2024 2:00 PM 4/9/2024 10:00 AM 155
Sealed Solicitation Health Center Clinic Services (REBID) Deadline Expired RFP # 23-24/17 5/13/2024 3:00 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation Inspector of Records Services, Merritt College Substation C Replacement Project Deadline Expired iRFP 23-24/13 4/25/2024 2:00 PM 4
Sealed Solicitation Electrical Lighting and Blue Phone Installations at Laney College, Department of General Services, and College of Alameda Aviation - Rebid In Review iBid 23 24 12 4/16/2024 2:00 PM 4/4/2024 10:00 AM 45
Sealed Solicitation Health Center Clinic Services Deadline Expired RFP 23-24/14 3/27/2024 3:00 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation LANEY COLLEGE FABRICATION LAB RELOCATION PROJECT Deadline Expired Bid # 23-24/06 3/13/2024 3:00 PM 2/21/2024 10:00 AM 9
Sealed Solicitation iBid 23-24/10 Merritt College Room F105 Training Room Renovation Project In Review iBid 23-24/10 3/7/2024 3:00 PM 2/20/2024 10:00 AM 7
Sealed Solicitation Electrical Lighting and Blue Phone Installations at Laney College, Department of General Services, and College of Alameda Aviation No Action iBid 23 24 09 2/23/2024 2:00 PM 2/13/2024 10:00 AM 44
Sealed Solicitation RFP 23-24/09 Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Deadline Expired RFP # 23-24/09 12/13/2023 3:00 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation RFQ/P 23-24/05 District-Wide Energy Efficiency Planning and Implementation Services In Review RFQ/P 23-24/05 12/11/2023 1:00 PM 11/15/2023 10:00 AM 5
Sealed Solicitation RFP 23 24 07 Geotech Engineer of Record Services, Laney College Library & Learning Resources Center Awarded 23 24 07 11/2/2023 2:00 PM 10/12/2023 11:00 AM 18
Sealed Solicitation RFP 23 24 08 Inspector of Record Services, Laney College Library & Learning Resources Center Awarded 23 24 08 10/31/2023 11:00 AM 10/9/2023 11:00 AM 16
Sealed Solicitation RFQ/P 23-24/04 District-wide Community-Based Safety Services Deadline Expired RFQ/P 23-24/04 8/30/2023 1:00 PM 8/15/2023 10:00 AM 9
Sealed Solicitation Merritt College Secondary Power Substation ā€œCā€ Replacement Deadline Expired Bid # 23-24/02 8/17/2023 3:00 PM 7/25/2023 10:00 AM 6
Sealed Solicitation Infrastructure Program Management Services, District-Wide. (RFQ\P No. 23-24/01). Deadline Expired RFQ\P No. 23-24/01 8/9/2023 4:00 PM 7/31/2023 11:00 AM 4
Sealed Solicitation Classification and Compensation Study Deadline Expired RFP # 22-23/10 6/8/2023 3:00 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation ReBID 21-22/07 Laney College Student Center Interim Project In Review iBid No. 21-22/07 12/6/2022 1:00 PM 11/18/2022 1:00 PM 7
Sealed Solicitation RTC District-wide Floor, Wall, and Exterior Glazing Cleaning Services In Review Bid 22-23/08 11/21/2022 2:00 PM 11/1/2022 10:00 AM 11
Sealed Solicitation RFP 22-23/06 BCC WEST Geotech & CEQA Services Awarded RFP22-23/06 10/26/2022 4:00 PM 10/17/2022 11:00 AM 28
Sealed Solicitation CEQA Services for College of Alameda Aviation Facility Modernization In Review RFP 22-23/07 10/18/2022 2:00 PM 7
Sealed Solicitation Student Center Interim Project - 2nd Floor Flooring Cancelled iBid No. 21-22/07 9/21/2022 2:00 PM 9/1/2022 11:30 AM 6
Sealed Solicitation iBid 22-23/01 BCC Front Doors Replacement Awarded iBid 22-23/01 8/30/2022 4:00 PM 8/23/2022 10:00 AM 7
Sealed Solicitation MERRITT COLLEGE NEW LANDSCAPE HORTICULTURE COMPLEX In Review Bid # 22-23/01 8/25/2022 3:00 PM 8/10/2022 10:00 AM 20
Sealed Solicitation New Transportation Technology Center College of Alameda Deadline Expired Bid 21-22/25 7/20/2022 2:00 PM 6/21/2022 10:00 AM 10
Sealed Solicitation District Wide Deep Cleaning Services In Review Bid # 21-22/27 7/6/2022 3:00 PM 6/21/2022 10:00 AM 7
Sealed Solicitation District Wide Deep Cleaning Services Cancelled Bid # 21-22/27 7/6/2022 3:00 PM 6/21/2022 10:00 AM 1
Sealed Solicitation Independent Auditing Services Deadline Expired RFP # 21-22/26 5/25/2022 2:00 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation Merritt College Child Development Center Project Awarded Bid 21-22/08 5/18/2022 3:00 PM 4/29/2022 11:00 AM 36
Sealed Solicitation RFP 21-22/22 Inspector of Records Service, COA New Transportation Technology Center (NTTC) In Review RFP 21-22/22 Inspector of Record, COA NTTC 5/18/2022 2:00 PM 5/2/2022 10:00 AM 6
Sealed Solicitation Laney College Pipeline Relocation Project Awarded Bid 21-22/15 4/29/2022 2:00 PM 4/12/2022 10:00 AM 17
Sealed Solicitation Merritt College New Landscape Horticulture Interim Housing Project In Review Bid No. 21-22/11 4/12/2022 3:00 PM 3/30/2022 1:00 PM 9
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 21-22/21 Geotechnical Engineering Services Deadline Expired RFQ 21-22/21 3/7/2022 2:00 PM 2/22/2022 10:00 AM 6
Sealed Solicitation RFP No. 21-22/18 Laney College Food and Supplies Services Deadline Expired RFP 21-22/18 2/17/2022 12:00 PM 1/25/2022 9:00 AM 4
Sealed Solicitation Educational Master Plan Services (REBID) In Review RFQ 21-22/19 2/11/2022 4:00 PM 1
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 21-22/16 District-wide Surveying Services Deadline Expired RFQ 21-22/16 1/7/2022 2:00 PM 12/21/2021 9:00 AM 4
Sealed Solicitation iRFP 21-22/04 Berkeley City College Commissioning Agent In Review iRFP 21-22/04 12/17/2021 4:00 PM 11/30/2021 11:00 AM 12
Sealed Solicitation PeopleSoft Upgrade Phase II Training In Review RFP No. 21-22/17 12/17/2021 11:00 AM 2
Sealed Solicitation Request for Proposal, Inspector of Records Services, Merritt College Awarded RFP # 21-22/13 12/8/2021 3:00 PM 11/22/2021 11:00 AM 7
Sealed Solicitation Architectural Design Services, Merritt College Building "S" Tennant Improvement Project Awarded RFP # 21-22/12 12/3/2021 2:00 PM 11/9/2021 10:00 AM 8
Sealed Solicitation District-wide HAZMAT & Testing and Inspection Deadline Expired RFQ 21-22/07 11/30/2021 2:00 PM 11/2/2021 10:00 AM 8
Sealed Solicitation RFP 21-22/10 Merritt College Cellular Booster Deadline Expired RFP 21-22/10 11/29/2021 2:00 PM 11/16/2021 9:00 AM 4
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 21-22/05 Educational Master Plan Services Cancelled RFQ # 21-22/05 11/10/2021 4:00 PM 2
Sealed Solicitation RFP 21-22/09 CEQA Services for College of Alameda Science and Admin Project & Laney Stem In Review RFP 21-22/09 11/2/2021 2:00 PM 10/19/2021 10:00 AM 14
Sealed Solicitation Bid 21-22/01 Berkeley City College Classroom Digital Upgrade Project Awarded Bid 21-22/01 10/22/2021 2:00 PM 10/11/2021 10:00 AM 8
Sealed Solicitation i RFQ/P 21-22/02 Survey Services for Phase II Aviation at College of Alameda Cancelled i RFQ/RFP 21-22/02 10/12/2021 2:00 PM 9/24/2021 10:00 AM 10
Sealed Solicitation RFQ/RFP No. 21-22/06 College of Alameda Construction Management Services Aviation Modernization Phase 2 Deadline Expired RFQ/P No. 21-22/06 10/4/2021 2:00 PM 9/21/2021 9:00 AM 15
Sealed Solicitation RFP 21-22/04 District-Wide Network Infrastructure Upgrade In Review RFP 21-22/04 10/1/2021 2:00 PM 8/31/2021 10:00 AM 15
Sealed Solicitation iRFP 21-22/01 Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Complex Phase 1 Deadline Expired iRFP 21-22/01 9/22/2021 3:00 PM 9/9/2021 10:00 AM 3
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 21-22/02 District-Wide Inspector of Record Services Deadline Expired RFQ No. 21-22/02 8/16/2021 2:00 PM 8/3/2021 9:00 AM 11
Sealed Solicitation District-Wide Deep Cleaning and Floor Waxing In Review Bid No.. 21-22/03 7/30/2021 4:00 PM 7/20/2021 10:00 AM 10
Sealed Solicitation Bids for Laney College Waterproofing Repairs Phase III Awarded BID 20-21/12 6/30/2021 2:00 PM 6/15/2021 10:00 AM 12
Sealed Solicitation Request for Proposal College of Alameda New Center for Liberal Arts, Art Curation In Review RFP 20-21/13 6/25/2021 3:00 PM 5/25/2021 10:00 AM 5
Sealed Solicitation RFQ/RFP 20 21/10 District-wide Building Commissioning Services and Proposal For The Laney Central Utility Plant In Review 20 21/10 6/21/2021 2:00 PM 6/8/2021 10:00 AM 10
Sealed Solicitation Bid No. 20-21/09 Laney College Locker Room Interim Housing Awarded Bid No. 20-21/09 4/16/2021 2:00 PM 3/31/2021 10:00 AM 10
Sealed Solicitation iBid No. 20-21/02 Laney College Eagle Village Modular Buildings Safe-Off Awarded iBid No. 20-21/02 4/5/2021 11:00 AM 3/19/2021 10:00 AM 9
Sealed Solicitation iBid No. 20-21/01 College of Alameda Aviation Sewer Pump Replacement Project In Review iBid No. 20-21/01 3/9/2021 2:00 PM 9
Sealed Solicitation Bid No. 20-21/04 COA New Center for Liberal Arts Audio-Visual Installation System Awarded Bid No. 20-21/04 3/9/2021 1:00 PM 2/18/2021 10:00 AM 13
Sealed Solicitation Bid No. 20-21/07 Laney Perimeter Paving Rehabilitation Awarded Bid No. 20-21/07 3/2/2021 2:00 PM 2/16/2021 10:00 AM 8
Sealed Solicitation RFP No. 20-21/06 Design Build Construction Services for the Berkeley City College 2118 Milvia Expansion Project In Review RFP 20-21/06 1/29/2021 2:00 PM 12/7/2020 10:00 AM 55
Sealed Solicitation RFP 19-20/11 Laney College Campus Title IX Locker Room Renovation Project Awarded 19-20/11 12/4/2020 2:00 PM 10/16/2020 10:00 AM 21
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 20-21/06 Design Build Construction Services for the Berkeley City College 2118 Milvia Expansion Project Deadline Expired RFQ 20-21/06 11/6/2020 2:00 PM 10/13/2020 10:00 AM 17
Sealed Solicitation RFP 19-20/12 - LANEY COLLEGE CAMPUS CENTRAL UTILITY PLANT UPGRADE PROJECT DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES Deadline Expired RFP 19-20/12 10/12/2020 2:00 PM 9/15/2020 2:00 PM 25
Sealed Solicitation RFQ No. 20-21/05 Professional Architectural Services District-Wide Awarded RFQ No. 20-21/05 9/8/2020 4:00 PM 8/26/2020 11:00 AM 6
Sealed Solicitation RFP 20-21/02 District-Wide Community-Based Safety Services Deadline Expired RFP 20-21/02 8/26/2020 2:00 PM 8/4/2020 10:00 AM 7
Sealed Solicitation RFP 20-21/03 CEQA Consulting Services, 2118 Milvia Street, Berkeley City College Awarded RFP # 20-21/03 8/20/2020 2:00 PM 8/11/2020 10:00 AM 12
Sealed Solicitation Bid No. 20-21/01 Laney Childcare Center Improvements - Phase II Awarded BID No. 20-21/01 8/20/2020 2:00 PM 8/5/2020 10:00 AM 8
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 19-20/12 Laney College Central Utility Plant Upgrade Project Design-Build Services Deadline Expired RFQ 19-20/12 8/18/2020 2:00 PM 8/4/2020 2:00 PM 9
Sealed Solicitation RFQ 19-20/11 Laney College Title IX Locker Room Renovation Project Awarded RFQ 19-20/11 7/24/2020 2:00 PM 7/7/2020 2:00 PM 10
Sealed Solicitation RFP 19-20/10 District-wide Community-Based Safety Service Deadline Expired RFP No.: 19-20/10 6/23/2020 1:00 PM 6/15/2020 1:00 PM 3